Seed/Faith the Starting Point
This is the Believers Part
Our act of faith is to release our seed for a specific harvest.
In 1999, while going through a personal tragedy, my wife and I told God that we will serve Him no matter what we are going through. As I was praying I had an open Vision of God pouring oil onto my head. The oil was felt and seen by me. This came down my entire body, later I realised in scripture that God was anointing me to serve Him.
In the year 2000 God placed a burden in my heart to pray for sick people. God spoke and said the healing anointing is in my hands, my hands will be full of heat when the anointing of healing is operating.
Now laying hands on people is easy because Jesus is the only Healer and he was doing the Healing not me. Miracles started to happen, almost everyone I prayed for got healed.
I’ve prayed for thousands of people.
“Cape Town shall be saved” Revival call for Cape Town. God changed my ministry from Pastor to Apostle (meaning: One sent from God for the purposes of God – Jesus was the first Apostle) in order to get the spiritual authority to me for this commission. These words come into my heart: “I choose, whom I choose.” That is how God promoted me to be confident my calling, since I did not call myself, but God chose me. I am able to operate in all the gifts of the five fold ministries.
The Way to getting results from the Kingdom of God here on earth all the time!